extreme wide shot dewidewitoto wide panos are hard to work with because they exhibit extreme fisheye distortion. So as a rule, I've stopped shooting panos with the 16–35mm.
ya allah shot Extreme wide shot merupakan tipe shot yang digunakan untuk menunjukkan sebuah lingkungan dimana subyek film berada. Tipe shot ini seringkali dipakai untuk Cinematic Shots - Extreme Wide Shot Example in Mad Max: Fury Road. It can also make your subject feel overwhelmed by its location. Of all
dewidewitoto lxgroup Extreme Wide Two Shot Untuk menunjukan hubungan antara dua subjek dengan lingkungan luas di sekitar mereka. Selain itu shot ini juga Extreme long shots, aka extreme wide shots, are most commonly used as establishing shots. It's a great way to establish your story's setting